Details and More Details and You ~ 25 Aug 2023

First off in the detail category, my previous SkyScraping for whatever reason experience a huge number of soft bounces. Hopefully that was a quirk and all will be back to normal with this post. In case you did not receive the post entitled Mars Tips the Scales ~ 19 Aug 2023, that’s why. This post (and many previous posts) can be accessed via the StarBlogs page on my website (links follow at the end of this post). While you’re at it, this could be the perfect time to use the links to schedule consultations to assist with trying times, order a Galactic Report to define previously unrealized personal attributes and more.

Speaking of details, we are now officially in Virgo time as defined by the solar passage through the sign. For the next twenty-four hours or so, Mars stands row by row with Mercury, now retrograde, Orcus and the Sun. Then, Mars moves into Libra leaving Mercury, the dwarf planet Orcus, and the center of our solar system to work out the minutia of the mundane and properly order it. Facts, figures, conditions and expectations of ideal outcomes tend to clutter efforts to prioritize and schedule.

A few thoughts to assist with the Virgoan matrix:

Mercury rules Virgo, so despite the retrograde, transits with the sign with favor. The hall pass possessed by the fleet-footed one between the worlds seems written with indelible ink. The efforts of the messenger while retrograde focus on everything with such care that nothing can possibly be forgotten, assumed, undisclosed or otherwise.

The Sun shines warmth on cold, hard facts and works for conscious awareness of all facts such that an invigorating proper grok results.

Orcus, charged with overseeing those who fail to uphold oaths, promises and declarations of intention, asks but one thing while in Virgo (which he transits for several years). The ask: to thine own self be true. Promise yourself that you shall proceed with the impeccable intention to complete every life act to the best of your ability. Uphold that commitment.

Here’s a great thing to do to support Virgo time. State the facts of yourself to yourself. Declare what you have infused from life experiences encountered. Define what you have learned. State your skills and talents that you know to be true to yourself while looking in the mirror. Consider every aspect in your horoscope contributes at least two attributes to your nature. These are facts and are cosmically undeniable. These facts when affirmed can be used to silence the inner critic/editor/naysayer. A fact cannot be denied. With these facts, fortification of ones abilities and fecundity stand as personal truths.

An aspect pattern that bears repeating occurring in Virgo time is the Ceres in Libra opposition to Eris in Aries on 4 September. Simultaneously, the north node merges into a tight, multi week conjunction with Eris. That means that as Ceres engages this pattern, she sets up the essence of the lunar node to Eris themes of self assertion and inclusion. She grandly does this by crossing over the south lunar node concurrent with her opposition to Eris.

Something to recall about Ceres is that astronomers believe, by virtue of several physical facts, that she once occupied the Kuiper Belt. It appears that in the early days of our solar system’s creation mash, she was induced by Jupiter to relocate to the inner solar system, far away from the adversary who inflicted so much pain in her life.

Given the above logical speculation, one may derive that as the Ceres pattern sharpens the scythe used to harvest the wheats of Virgo, stepping away from adversaries with whom there is no gain engaging is brilliant. It’s not cowardice. It’s not ducking. It’s simply deciding what causes and conditions can be adopted that contribute to creating winning life campaigns.

Ceres in Libra promotes unrelenting self-advocacy in all relationships and interactions. Stand up for yourself, especially if no one rallies around your causes. Advocate for self acceptance and inclusion. Should one declare that with Ceres to the south node one continues to maintain the consciousness of previous, less than ideal lifetimes simply state you are what you are. The you that stands before this critic has evolved from and well beyond previously known behaviors and now functions with an impeccable level of soulful clarity. The declaration that with each instant of time consciousness expands and improves action and underscores intentions that further ones destiny is all that is required. Then pull out your pocket compass, check for directional accuracy, and navigate those nodes.

Believe that knowing what you are, what you bring to the table, and how those facts are melded together ensures that everything you do creates a positive force field for all in proximity. Next thing you know, those causes of yours likely cause inclusion, which quells the ire of Eris, and satisfies Ceres’ consideration of what is right, just, and what produces the greatest yield from all life’s meadows.

Resist the urge to calculate statistical probabilities of outcomes and proceed expectation-free in anticipation of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction next April. This aspect surely unveils unexpected, previously unconsidered opportunities. As they say, put on your thinking cap... and when wearing that accessory do not overthink. Yes, it’s the thought that counts, but with clear inner assessment advocacy of self prevails over all critics, internal and external.

More soon.